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Do AirPods Fall Out Easily? 3 Common Reasons And Easy Fixes

Do AirPods Fall Out Easily||Do AirPods Fall Out Easily

Apple AirPods are now the hottest trend, and most people use them to listen to music, enjoy games more, and attend online meetings. Most of us who are the owner of an AirPod pair have a question in mind ‘do AirPods fall out easily, or are AirPods comfortable for ears or not?’

People who use them experience these situations where AirPods pro keep falling out and breaking and never working correctly. Thinking about the risk of losing your AirPods pair strikes your mind to ask such a question. Let’s discuss in detail why AirPods pro fall out and how to escape the situation safely.

Do AirPods fall out easily?

If you have a question, does AirPods pro fall out easily? Then the answer is yes, AirPods fall out easily but due to some reasons. If you find solutions to those reasons, then falling off AirPods will be no more problem. But how? The most common causes and the easy and doable fixes are here in this article. So, keep reading. 

Before proceeding further, watch this video to test whether the AirPods fall out easily or not.

Why Do My AirPods Keep Falling Out Easily?

Before we get to know how to keep AirPods from falling out, it is necessary to know the reason for fixing the problem. Here is the reason for Airpods falling out.

Improper fitting

Improper fitting of AirPods in the ear can cause them to fall out. There is no surety that they will stay well. In case you are using Airpods pro, there are different-sized ear tips, but if you are a user of regular AirPods, there is always a need for covers and hooks to make them stay in your ear because these are designed for all with one size that fits for all. 

Dust and other residual build-ups

Cleaning is essential, especially for technology products, because dirt can cause them to stop working properly, and it is also a reason that it does not fit properly in your ear. Airpods fit best when they are free from dust, earwax, and oils.

Physical causes

In some cases, physical disturbance and movements are the reasons behind AirPods falling off; otherwise, AirPods don’t fall out while walking, dancing, and exercising. Physical disturbance only occurs due to the poor fit of Airpods. The most common scenarios are removing clothes, adjusting hair, or removing a mask that can cause Airpods to fall out if they are hit accidentally. Remember, if you are indulging in physical activities or exercise, then try to purchase Airpods that fit well into the ear.

Check this article to know how to get free AirPods.

Do AirPods Fall Out Easily

How To Make AirPods Fit Better

We have discussed why Airpods fell out, and now it is time to see how to stop AirPods from falling out. The fixes are as follows:

Wear them correctly

  • Tips of the Airpods where speakers are located attract dirt, oil, and residue that cause them t slip and fall out easily. Clean them with a damp cloth to wipe off Airpods. It will give a better grip, and the Airpods stay in your ear for a long.
  • Press gently into the ear, and don’t compel Airpods into the ear canal because these are not designed to fit in this way that forms a secure grip. Impel Airpods deep into the ear are uncomfortable and lead to ear canal infections and injuries. The proper placement is to align with the stem parallel to the face or vertically with your head. 
  • After gently pressing them into the ear, Rotate them so that they reach a position that fits tightly and securely. Airpods fit perfectly into the ear when the stem and jawline are aligned parallel to one another.

Cleaning of Airpods

Cleaning is essential to keep Airpods from falling out and is also necessary for the ear’s health. Residual build-ups, dirt, and germs prevent them from seating perfectly and working correctly.

  1. You can clean it with a microfiber cloth. Remember to use a damp cloth, but don’t use water to clean them. 
  2. Use cleaning putty. Take a mounting putty, warm it a little bit, and press gently against the speakers of your Airpods. Most of the dirt caught in the speaker will come off when you yank it off.
  3. Then take a toothbrush with soft bristles to remove the leftover dirt. Dip the brush into 70% isopropyl alcohol to remove the remaining dust.

Waterproof tape

You can also use waterproof tape to stick Airpods to your ear. Take sticky, durable, waterproof tape and cut it into rectangular stripes with scissors and a hole punch to punch circular pieces out. Take two of the pieces of tape and stick them into each Airpods. Insert the AirPods into your ear and move around to see if they fit properly in the ear. The stickiness of the tape helps to keep them from falling out.

Airpods Covers and grips

Many companies in the market design covers and grips that keep your Airpods from falling out and most of them are made of adhesive material and silicone that solve the issues and help keep them in the ear.

Silicone Airpod covers give extra grip. These covers slip over the head of Airpodes and provide a cushion around them in such a way that it hugs the inner ear more snugly. Some Airpods soft covers have silicon hooks that are close-fitted against each ear’s inner folds to help keep Airpods fit into your ear perfectly. Some Airpods have grips with plastic hooks that wrap around them to the outside of your ear to fit Airpods properly. Some prominent Airpod grips and covers are as follows:

  1. Setex earbud grip
  2. DamonLight Anti-Slip Silicone Soft Sports Covers
  3. AhaStyle Silicone Ear Hooks Cover
  4. EarBuddyz 2.0 Ear Hooks and Covers Accessories
  5. Air pod grips


Airpods are the future of wireless audio connection and are the most widely used product in the near future. It is loved by many users and is an incredible piece of technology. Do Airpods fall out easily? This question for many Airpods users is solved in this article. It is a misconception that Airpods fall out easily. A small percentage of Airpods users face this issue because the user needs to fit them properly in the ear even when they move around too much. Still, these risk factors are reduced by taking precautionary measures to keep them from falling out of the ear.

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